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全国英语等级考试历年真题pets3级真题一:阅读Part A


来源:江苏自考网 时间:2018-08-22 22:58:23


( 50 minutes)

Part A


Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D.Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

Text 1

The political career of Cicero, a great Roman statesman and the most well-known speechmak-er of his time, was a remarkable one. At the time, high political offices in Rome, though technically achieved by winning elections, were almost exclusively controlled by a group of wealthy noble families that had held them for many generations. Cicero' s family, though noble, was not one of them, nor did it have great wealth. But Cicero had a great deal of political ambition; at a very young age he chose as his basic belief the same one Achilles was said to have had: to always be the best and overtop the rest. Lacking the advantages of a proper family origin, there were essentially only two career options open to him. One was a military career, since military success was thought to result from exceptional personal qualities and could lead to popularity and therefore political opportunity as was the case much later for American presidents Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Cicero, however, was no soldier. He hated war, and served in the military only very briefly as a young man.

Instead, Cicero chose a career in the law. To prepare for this career, he studied law, rhetoric,and philosophy. When he felt he was ready, he began taking part in legal cases. A career in the law could lead to political success for several reasons, all of which are still relevant today. First, a lawyer would gain a great deal of experience in making speeches. Second, he could also gain ex-posure and popularity from cases. Finally, a successful lawyer would build up a network of politi-cal connections, which is important now but was even more important in.Cicero' s time, when po-litical competition was not conducted along party lines or on the basis of doctrine, but instead was based on loose, shifting networks of personal friendships and commitments. Cicero proved to be an excellent speech-maker and lawyer, and an outstanding politician. He was elected to each of the principal Roman offices on his first try and at the earliest age at which he was legally allowed to run for them.

26.To win an important office in Cicero’s time,a candidate should__________.

A.be born of a wealthy family

B.possess political experience

C.launch a national campaign

D.convince the general public

27.Cicero came from a family with__________.

A.great wealth

B.remarkable fame

C.political ambition

D.noble background

28.Unlike Cicero,Ulysses Grant attained his political position due to__________.

A.his strong beliefs

B.his personal relations

C.his military achievements

D.his powerful speeches

29.A Roman politician’s career prospects were strongly influenced by__________.

A.their party’s support

B.their social connections

C.their political doctrine

D.their public popularity

30.Cicero was elected to the principal offices when__________.

A.he got support from his friends

B.he began his career as a lawyer

C.he was committed to social services

D.he was just old enough to run for them

Text 2

One of the key challenges in urban architecture over the next 50 years will be figuring out how to squeeze vast numbers of additional people into urban areas that are already extremely crowded.

London, for example, will somehow have to deal with a projected 100,000 extra inhabitants every year until 2016. The current plan of building new "satellite towns" of the city causes a lot of problems-but architecture think tanks are working on ambitious solutions that go vertical instead of horizontal in search of space.

In terms of population density, London is one of the least crowded major cities in the world--four times fewer people per square kilometer than Paris, for example, six times fewer than New York and eight times fewer than Cairo. But the fact remains that the city' s population is growing at a rapid rate, and horizontal expansion into the surrounding areas is eating up increasingly important agricultural land, as well as worsening all the transport problems that come with urban growth.

Popular Architecture would propose a radically different solution. The proposal is to go up-wards, with vertical towers of considerable size, each representing an entire new town by the time it' s completed. Each tower would be 1500 meters high. Beyond mere accommodation, each tower would function as an entire town unit, with its own schools, hospitals, parks and gardens, sports facilities, business areas and community spaces. The population density of such a tower could help lower the individual energy requirements of each inhabitant, reducing the ecological impact of the population as a whole.

The village towers are considered as hollow tubes, with large holes to allow light and air through the entire construction. Occasional floor discs spread throughout the height of the building will give inhabitants large central areas in the middle of the tube to use as gathering spaces.

While the building itself is unlikely ever to be seriously considered for construction-imagine the number of elevators it would need,let alone the safety implications of open areas at such heights and with such wind exposure--the concept can serve as a conversation—starter for urban planners looking to face the challenges of the current and coming centuries.

31.One key challenging task for urban architects in future is to__________.

A.build new satellite towns

B.work out ambitious plans

C.design less crowded cities

D.accommodate more inhabitants

32.Which of the following cities has the largest population density?




D.New York.

33.Horizontal expansion not only wastes land,but makes it hard for London to__________.

A.handle its safety problems

B.resolve its transport issues

C.control its population growth

D.measure its population density

34.The vertical tower would represent an entire new town in itself because__________.

A.it is energy-saving

B.it is cost-effective

C.it is self-sufficient

D.it is comfort.oriented

35.For city planners today,the idea of building a vertical tower can become__________.

A.a.topic for fun

B.a shocking reality

C.a modest proposal

D.a source of inspiration


Part A





26.A【精析】细节题。文中第一段第二句提到“At the time,high political offices in Rome,though technically achieved by winning elections,were almost exclusively controlled by a group of wealthy noble fami-lies that had held them for many generations.”在那一时期,罗马的高级官职尽管需要严格依据法律要通过选举产生,但历代以来,政界官员几乎都完全受控于显赫的富有家族组织。由此可知,在西塞罗时期想要当选,就要来自富有的家族,故选A。

27.D 【精析】细节题。从文中第一段第三句“Cicero’s family,though no-ble,was not oneofthem,nor didit havegreatwealth.”可知,西塞罗的家庭也是贵族,故选D。

28.C【精析】细节题。文中第一段倒数第三句提到“One was a military career,since military success was thought to…later for American presidents Ulysses S.Grant…”一个是从军,因为军事功绩被视为卓越个人能力的体现并为其带来声誉,正如之后的美国总统尤利西斯?格兰特。由此可知,美国总统尤利西斯?格兰特的政治地位是通过军事成就实现的,故选C。

29.B【精析】推理题。文中第二段倒数第三句提到“Finally,a success-ful lawyer would build up…when political competition Was not con-ducted along party lines or on the basis of doctrine.but instead was based on loose,shifting networks of personal friendships and com-mitments.”一个成功的律师会建立自己的一套政治关系网络。政治竞争不是通过政治路线或基本教义,而是通过不牢固的变化的友谊和承诺。由此可知,罗马政治家生涯的前途受友谊和承诺,即社会关系的重要影响,故选B。

30.D【精析】细节题。文中第二段最后一句提到“He Was elected to each of the principal Roman offices oll his first try at the earliest age at which he was legally allowed to run for them.”他在达到被选举年龄时的首次竞选中,就成功当选为罗马主要官员。由此可知,西塞罗在刚满被选举年龄时就被选为主要官员,故选D。

Text 2







31.D【精析】细节题。文中第一段第一句提到“One of the key challen-ges in urban architecture over the next 50 years will be figuring out how to squeeze vast numbers of additional people into urban areas that are already extremely crowded.”在未来50年里,城市建筑的主要挑战之一将会是如何在已经极度拥挤的都市塞下更多的人。由此可知,未来城市建筑的主要挑战之一是容纳更多的居民,故选D。

32.A【精析】推理题。文中第二段第一句提到“In terms of population density,London is one the least crowded major cities in the world…and eight times fewer than Cairo.”根据人口密度,伦敦是世界上最不拥挤的大城市之一,它每平方公里的人口数比巴黎低四倍,比纽约低六倍,比开罗低八倍。由此可知,开罗的人口密度是最大的,故选A。

33.B【精析】细节题。文中第二段第二句提到“But the fact remains that the city’s population is growing…as well as worsening all the transport problems that come with urban growth.”但是,城市的人口仍在迅速增长.向周围地区的拓展加剧了城市扩张带来的交通问题,也在吞噬重要的耕地。由此可知,水平空间的拓展不仅浪费土地还会造成交通问题,故选B。

34.C【精析】推理题。文中第三段倒数第二句提到“Beyond mere ac-commodation,each tower would function as an entire…with its own schools,hospitals,parks…business areas and community spaces.”每个塔还将作为一个完整的城镇是因为它内部还设有学校、医院、公园…商务中心及社区空间等,这些使得这个城镇生活所需都可以自给自足。故选C。


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